
Module 1 FAQs

Categories FAQ VAULT

I’m having a difficult time deciphering which software I should use. Can you help?
We talk through some software options that could help rev up your efficiency. But, you don’t have to use them all and certainly, if you are using platforms that are working well for you – don’t switch (that’s the opposite of efficient). 

I highly recommend using task management software (we love Asana). There are plenty of designers that download the templates from Asana and use the info in other task management software. This is a great topic to talk through with our peers, consider reaching out to your accountability group or the Facebook community to discuss.


When you archive documents from Google Drive, do you actually archive them in the Google Drive?
No, I create a folder in the drive called “Archive” and archive the files there.

Do you have your CAD folders within each client project broken down any further other than PDF and Archive? My CAD files end up with lots of versions.
The most updated version is stored as a file in the CAD folder for the client and all previous versions go into the archive folder – all dated. 


What design software do you use?
I’ve tried many on the market, but I’m not in love with one enough to recommend it. The Facebook community is a great place to start this conversation (be sure to include info about your biz as someone with a 15+ person team will have different software needs than a one woman show).


Do you use the paid or free version of Asana?
I use the free version of Asana.

I’ve used my Asana trial and am not seeing an option to continue on a free plan, is that correct?
They make it tricky to continue on the free version. Just keep clicking where it gives you the option to not upgrade. 

I don’t see an option to set up a team in Asana, how do I go about doing so?
You have to be an organization rather than a workspace. Find out how to create an organization here: https://asana.com/guide/help/organizations/basics

Does your team do any internal communication through email?
No, we all communicate via Asana.

Do you communicate with clients and vendors through Asana?
No, I communicate with clients and vendors through email.

How do I add the Asana Templates to ClickUp?
Use this article on how to export templates (projects) from Asana to Clickup. The only downfall is that it looks like you have to create an Asana account first and then upload our templates. Then in your click up account, you will follow these directions to quickly upload all of our templates (projects) at one time:


Can items from Wecora be downloaded into a design software, or do you manually enter them into a proposal after they are all set in Wecora?
No, item information cannot be downloaded from Wecora into other software. I avoid double work because I don’t pull product info into Wecora, as I’m only shopping there – just looking at dimensions and aesthetics. And, I don’t pull images into my proposals, since I only show products on design boards. 

You can link out from Wecora to individual items, then use the clipper from your Proposal Software to clip the info (if your software has that feature).

Do you use Wecora to keep track of custom or one of a kind items that are not available online?
Yes, I will take photos of finishes and fabrics, download custom CAD, etc. and upload them to the Wecora board.

Can the template offered as a resource in the Wecora lesson be uploaded into Wecora?
It is a screenshot of what my template looks like in Wecora. Create a new project and create the same “groups” that I have shown in my template. 

Is there a more efficient way to upload photos to Wecora?
If you use Google Chrome, install this Wecora Chrome extension “clipper”. It lets you “clip” photos from anywhere on the internet just like Pinterest which eliminates the uploading image process.

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