
Scale with Standard Mastermind

Taking your company from 6 to 7 figures (or wherever you are to where you want to be) takes some serious strategic effort. That effort is often related to mindset. The mindset of reaching past your current expectations; your current upper limit.

One of the ways I’ve done that is with Masterminds. Getting together regularly with a strong leader and other designer entrepreneurs who are on the same path of serious growth pushed me far past where I was headed alone. 

I’m thrilled to announce the launch of Standard Masterminds to do just that for you.

It’s going to be you and I – and an intimate gathering of designers who complement where you are in your journey – every month, live on Zoom & continuously via our private Facebook group. We’ll think tank your business, your struggles and your great big audacious dreams together. Here, you’ll find expertise, support, accountability and encouragement.

This goes way past the Standard. Now that you’ve got your business running like a well-oiled machine, this mastermind will go into nuance; mindset, marketing, multiple streams of income, the elevated client experience & really, wherever else you want to take it. That’s the beauty of a mastermind. YOU create the agenda. It’s totally customized to your needs. I’ll take the topics you are interested in and deep dive into my Rolodex of experts and personal experience, as well as the diverse and vast experience of the group, and we’ll tackle all of it head-on. Together.

Here are the details: 

  • 10-15 Standard Members
  • One group mastermind Zoom per month for 12 months (these calls will last approximately two hours)
  • Continued connection, conversation & community support via a private Facebook group
  • The opportunity to learn from each other’s experience and expertise
  • The support and accountability that you need to reach your full potential (which is probably far past what you’ve ever dreamed of)

Apply to be included in our curated Standard Members Mastermind: https://interiordesignstandard.com/product/mastermind/